GROUP (10 persons maximum)
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Booking policy Bookings at Santosha Spirit Healing are to be made at least 24 hours prior to commencement of the session, unless prior arrangements have been made. In exceptional circumstances, “emergency” appointments can be made via phone. A confirmation email or text will be sent out 24 hours prior to your booked appointment for you to confirm you will be attending. If you cannot make your appointment, please refer to the cancellation policy. These policies apply to both online and in-person services. When booking for a recorded reading, payment is to be made prior to receiving the link to your reading. Cancellation Policy Here at Santosha Spirit Healing we value your time and energy in booking an appointment with us. Therefore if any unforeseen circumstances hinder us from being present for a session, we will do our best to find you the next possible time slot that suits. Cancellation or changing appointment times is accepted up until 24 hours prior to the allotted session. A fee of up to 50% of the full session cost may be charged if you fail to turn up to your appointment.
Contact Details
1/39 Cullen St, Nimbin NSW 2480, Australia